Discover Why Our Marketing Tools Get Breakthrough Results

Here is the method we’ve tested and perfected overtime to yield significant sales growth for our Sales Professionals:

Our Business Development Team works to identify your goals and then uses our proprietary Albrecht Marketing Platform (AMP) to automate the process of new customer acquisition. First, based on your preferences, we identify a group of new customer prospects. We then use AMP to nurture and warm prospects through a series of touch points.

After the prospect is nurtured, we have an in-house Appointment Setting team make calls to reach out and ask for the appointment. Once the appointment is set, we notify you and you do what you do best; meet with the potential customer face-to-face. This automated process not only works, it has a 30% close rate on new leads.

Don’t believe us? Just ask Kim Massie & Holly Beard, co-owners of Parrot Promo Essentials who doubled their sales to $500,000 this year using the Albrecht Marketing Platform.


“We have been able to differentiate ourselves using this program and it has opened the door to opportunities for us to prove ourselves! These opportunities have lead to unbelievable growth! Thanks so much for developing such a simple and highly effective program!”

– Kim Massie & Holly Beard

See AMP In Action

1. Enter your name and email below to receive a sample AMP email.

2. When you receive the marketing email, click any link and you'll receive an automated activity notification from AMP.

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